Signs From The Universe: 15 Signs The Universe Is Listening
You have been manifesting your desire since quite some time now, but are totally unaware if the Universe is listening or not. I know that feeling. People desperately search for signs from the Universe, but are simply unable to understand. There was a time when I desperately searched for signs from the Universe.
What was I expecting? Was I expecting the Universe to come down and tell me that my desires are being manifested?
Of course I was being too naive. The Universe can’t come to me and tell me that my desires are being manifested. There were other ways in which it communicated; all I had to do was find those ways or signs from the Universe.
I did a lot of research, spent days and nights to find out how the Universe communicates when you are in your vibration or right at the center of your vortex. Then, I came up with a list of all those signs from the Universe that ensure you of being heard.
If you have been manifesting your desires, you surely want to read the following list of the top 15 signs from the Universe:
The feathers in your way
How many feathers have you been noticing your way? If suddenly, there are a lot of feathers falling on your head, be surprised; it is the Universe’s way to communicate with you. There are a lot of different colored feathers and they all have different meanings (I know I have to write a separate article on this and I promise I will, soon!). Personally, whenever I manifest something and surrender in the arms of the Universe, I get feathers as signs from the Universe.
11:11 Synchronicity:
Did you know that 11:11 is a major sign that you are being heard? This is the time when you are in your highest vibration. If you are looking for some signs from the Universe, the best thing to remember is this time. Be careful of what you have going on in your mind. If something has been running in your head and you look at the clock and it’s 11:11, you are manifesting that thought.
Popping up of a song that you can relate your desire to:
You are asking for signs from the Universe and there’s a song that you can relate your situation to; bamn – that’s a sign and a very clear one!
Message on advertisement boards just when you want it:
You close your eyes and ask whether the Universe is listening; you open your eyes and pass an advertisement board that says – I Am There – can the Universe give any better sign than this? This clearly indicates that you are being heard. Such signs from the Universe can tremble you.
A sudden splash of breeze when it is least expected:
There are times when you feel tranquility because of a sudden splash of breeze. The moment you feel this, look around – are the leaves moving? If not, then the breeze is an indication and one of the most wonderful signs from the Universe. Cherish this sign and enjoy the sensation!
Good unexpected things happening most of the times in a day:
Look for all the good things happening to you all the time; if the number of surprises has increased, it is a sign from the Universe that your prayer or desire is being worked upon.
Animals visiting you to make you smile:
How does your pet behave around you? What about the stray animals? If animals are behaving overly sweet with you, it is a sign that you are in your highest vibration. The Universe listens to you when you vibrate at your best.
Your gut or instinct:
If you personally feel that you are being heard by the Universe and your feeling is very strong, then, my darling, you are surely being heard.
The ringing sensation in your ears:
There is this constant ringing sensation in your ears; it is one of the best signs from the Universe. Every Chakra in your spine has a special sound. When you vibrate, or when a specific Chakra vibrates, it creates a sound. When the Universe reciprocates, you might hear the sound ringing in your ears.
The dreams you’ve been getting recently:
Keep a close check on your dreams – always search for dream interpretation of all those things that you see in your dreams. Remember what Cinderella once said –
a dream is a wish your heart makes!
Visit or call or message from a long lost friend:
If you bump into a long lost friend and he says something to you, it may be one of the signs from the Universe that your desires are being manifested.
Spiritual advice from someone you barely know:
This person comes to you and starts giving you a spiritual advice – don’t be surprised – when the Universe can’t come down to talk to you or when you don’t notice the other signs from the Universe, this is how He (I address the Universe as ‘He’) starts talking to you.
Feeling the sensation that someone’s watching you or listening to you:
This happens a lot of times to those manifesting their desires. When you are constantly connected to the Universe, He keeps an eye on you.
Repeated numbers:
You notice a lot of 333, 444, 555 and other such repeated numbers all the time. Try finding different meanings of different repeated numbers and you’d be amazed to see how they are the signs from the Universe.
Tingling sensation in one or all of your Chakras:
Even if you have not done any Chakra alignment, tingling sensations are bound to happen when you are receiving signs from the Universe. Do not fear the sensations; simply enjoy them.
Now that you are aware about some of the most important and common signs from the Universe, go ahead and enjoy your process of manifestation. Hope you get what you are manifesting, soon!
Love and light!
Wowwww!! Your meditation posts are amaaazing!!
I’m speechless!
Thank you so much 🙂
I have been trying to manifest my ex fiancé back. I saw all these signs and experienced a lot of things that I really want to do and visit and they did happened!
but my ex still not there… I just don’t understand what is happening (it is already been 6 months since I am trying to use law of attraction, travel, take care of myself, buy expensive stuff to make myself happier …
I just don’t know what to do anymore …
First of all, I am glad that you are experiencing these signs. Not everyone is so aligned with their vibration.
Secondly, things take time. I know you’ve been waiting for this to happen and you’ve already spent several days manifesting your desire. But let’s not forget the most important thing of Law of Attraction – you have to believe that either what you want will happen or something better will. Give it a few more days; keep your heart open not only for this specific person, but also for someone much better than them. Do let me know when you get this person back. I keep doing a lot of experiments to find out if I can manifest a specific person. When the things work for me, I will write about it!
Love and light to you.
Your post is truly inspiring.
I have been trying to manifest a specific person into my life and I have seen a few signs.
– I feel that the person is with me at all times, i.e., I can sense that person’s presence with me always.
– I keep seeing look-alikes of this person
– I asked for signs, like seeing a rainbow when it wasn’t possible and seeing our letters together; both of which happened.
– I keep getting a feeling from within that it will happen
– I feel a sense of being complete, contented, free and happy when I think of my manifestation and otherwise as well.
– I feel a sense of warmth, being complete and secure around the person and also, I can sense if he is near me or not (without actually seeing him near me).
Can all of the above be taken as signs???
Kindly reply…
Awaiting your response….
I have emailed you back 🙂
Dear Bhairavi,
I am experiencing all these things which are mentioned by KD, Dec 27, 2017. (mostly no patterns)
Me too trying to menifest my Mentor, with LOA.
I see repeated number patterns through out the day, again n again.
Also, sometime I feel my mentor around me.
Repeated number patterns, and sign boards are like everyday, but feeling helpless, insecure and stuck in the current professional life.
After reading ur write up felt like taking advice from you, sharing it with you.
No doubt, the repeated no patterns signs are strong, but then why do I feel helpless, depress, stuck.
The more I feel depress n stuck, more I use affirmations, meditation.
Thank you !!
Restlessness and helplessness are bound to happen when you are in the process of manifestation. Don’t worry – just keep going. Love and light to you! May you get what you want.
Agnes Vivarelli.. check her out.
Self love is what it is all about!
Dear Bhairavi,
I am trying to figure out if the universe is telling me a certain woman and I will be together again. here is the background. I saw her at a large meet up and thought I would like to meet her, by the time I got to her side of the room, she was gone. A week later I held a smaller meet up at my house and she showed up. We hit it off and starting seeing each other hot and heavy for a few months. Then all of a sudden, she pulled completely back as she needed space and her daughter came to spend the summer with her. I will say I was a mess and did try to give her space, however I pushed and she decided she didn’t want to date or see me for awhile. Anyway during that time, here are some signs that I saw that still lead me to believe deep down we will go at it again in the future. I saw a license plate saying “JazzyK”, Jazzy is her daughters name, The K could stand for me. I then went to a birthday party a week later and someone had a picture of a place her and I had recently went too. Then one day I randomly stopped in the city and got on my laptop and when I pulled up the wifi, there was one named Judy2.4( thats her name) and then my hotspot right below it. Then a week later I took a complete back road home and a car passed me with the license plate “Jazzee” and then a few hours later I say one that said “Judy” something…I barely saw it. There were a few other things but I don’t want to keep going on. Now I should have just been patient, but I wasn’t and currently she and are not speaking. I guess I’m trying to figure out if those were signs to be patient and now I blew it or it is still going to happen at some point. I also feel the universe is telling me I need to get my house in order and thats why there is this break, so I can. I suppose i am rambling now and I must sound delusional , but any insight would be helpful. I don’t want to give up hope if Im suppose to hold on, but its tough with the way things look at the moment. Thanks Kev
I would want to answer and help you personally on email. Please write to me at [email protected]
Dear Bhairavi
Hope you’re well.
I have not been into signs much but after my relationship ended 4 months ago , i have had a few unique experiences but don’t know what to make of them.
This guy that I was involved with pulled out of marriage.
I was hurt and disappointed and have been trying hard to move on. Initially it was extremely tough but now I feel more comfortable.
I do yearn for him to return at times.
I have stopped watching the channels where I thought I may hear songs that were considered to be ours .
On one occasion I was watching something on an Australian channel , and during the break starred watching a serial and the central character in that started singing a song that I had vowed I would not listen to .
One day I thought I am never likely to see 11.11 and after done time my mobile lying at a distance flashed for no apparent reason and 11.11 was displayed on the screen.
I bought a Chocolate box and the sales woman talked me into buying 2 and later I saw each no had no 11 written on it, making me see 2 11s together.
Then I thought all this is a Coincidence and I’m noticing these things as I want him to return in spite of everything.
There was song that I connected with ourselves and I thought at least I have not heard that since the break up and yesterday I heard A couple of lines of that in an advert.
Both the songs I have mentioned u had heard together once when weren’t talking and we started talking after that .
However, I can’t help but thinking all this amounts to nothing now that the relationship has ended .
Any insight into this will be helpful.
Many thanks
Dear Sarika,
Thank you for trusting me to guide you on your personal situation. I am deeply touched.
After going through your email thrice, I believe you are manifesting these signs, instead of manifesting the person you want to (which is also possible only if the person wishes to get back to you, since he also has his very own free will). The most resistant you are to things you “don’t” want to experience, the Universe usually makes you go through the same. For an instance, if I constantly think “I don’t want to listen to the song ‘I want to spend my lifetime loving you’, the word “don’t” is totally invisible to the Universe and thus, it would only make me listen to this song over and over again. The only way to move on (or even have him back) is by not being resistant to anything at all. Just surrender and let things happen into your life. Surrendering is the only option.
I hope I made some sense to you.
Love and light.
Thank you Bhairavi. I thoroughly enjoyed reading the article. It is very well written. One must read the article couple of times over a period of time to get full benefits.
I have also been writing articles on similar topics but they have a different type of flavour, for example: Tips To Make Law Of Attraction Give Better Results , How to Use Law of Attraction To Get Anything You Want
Please do read and give your views too. Happy manifesting to all.
Thank you. I will surely check your article and comment as well.
Lately specifically this past week all of a sudden I feel like I am living my manifistation like it had happened already and it is here. And I feel whole and complete as a person and just generally content which I am very grateful for. I’m just curious as to why my actual manifestation hasn’t actually happened. Everything around me looks and feels like it here but what i’ve been trying to manifest hasn’t actually happened. Does this mean it will soon? I’ve been getting alllll of the signs even random signs I asked for and I got all if the signs I asked for again in one day and it feels like I’ve stepped through a portal and I’m living in my desire but I’m the only character that knows it? I’d love to know what you think of this and any insight your could give me would be much appreciated
Hi there!
Thank you so much for reading my article and writing to me. I have received your email, too. However, I thought to respond here so that the others who are in a similar situation can be benefited too.
Firstly, you are not supposed to even think that your manifestation is not happening. When you raise that question, it means you have a disbelief on what you desire and your power to manifest it or transform it into your reality. You have to believe in it so much that your brain gets tricked about what the illusion is and what the truth is. It is when your thoughts go parallel with the reality that the manifestation begins to take place for real. Confusing, but this is how it works.
Secondly, maybe it is time for you to ask to the Universe for a specific day and date and let it know that you want your reality on this very specific period. There is nothing that the Universe denies to give you, even if it seems impossible to the human mind and heart.
Lastly, have some more patience. Patience is all what it takes for the Universe to transform your desires into reality. Take actions and prove the Universe that you deserve what you are asking for. For an instance, if you are manifesting a new house, maybe you should start working more and save more money. When your belief is stronger, you can buy a beautiful and luxurious apartment, even if you are working in a daily wage job.
I wish you all the best!